Unfettered Thoughts

Won’t always be the most interesting of reads, but may be some good nuggets scattered throughout. This is more of mental practice for myself to see how I change over the years. When I take the time to journal regularly, I usually find a sharper mind and memory as the reward.

More authentic to be interested than interesting. If you have to say it, you ain't it.

Passing thought, and later reflection. 9/5/2022 and 9/7/2023. Sometimes I take a while to clear that shorthand list from my phone.

How does that square with keeping and publishing a personal chronicle? I say it’s for resume and self reflective purposes, but then I also spend time and effort marketing and curating to be interesting to others. It does help remind me of the experiences I have had when I go back and look at the albums through the years. Then integrating school work, journal entries, and thoughts makes another level of ease in self reflection. It is a little scary to publish internal monologues with basically no editing, but it is also a little liberating. Not like anyone is really reading them anyway.

I convince myself it has a purpose with the excuse that maybe it will inspire community creation and care in a similar fashion to what I try to create for myself. Lead by example, and be the change you want to see in the world. Does this take too much time from actually doing the work needed? The idea behind Houstories is to give purpose and organization to all the media collected in a properties life. Everything from friends and family photo albums, to electrical maps and repair histories. Eventually overlay a social connection aspect that allows the community to invest in itself. Neighbor to Neighbor, and with time, labor, or borrowed tools.

Dunbar number for personal relationship capacity limits, and para social relationships should be considered. It’s more important for quality relationships over quantity, and a person should seek the qualities in friends that mirror what one aspires to be. We become like those we surround ourselves with. That said, we can still leave a legacy to others we may never know. If you can put ideas into the world that are talked about 300 years later, then I think that would be a reasonable legacy. Not really about the person in my opinion.

Scrambled rambling thoughts, but some days that’s just how it is. Eventually I, or someone else will edit it all into something more coherent. Just work on it all a little at a time, and eventually it will be something of interest.

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