Unfettered Thoughts

Won’t always be the most interesting of reads, but may be some good nuggets scattered throughout. This is more of mental practice for myself to see how I change over the years. When I take the time to journal regularly, I usually find a sharper mind and memory as the reward.

The Mind's Frame and Our Control of Self Understanding

-The frames we view our lives through are made up of all the data we have perceived through our life experiences. These frames dictate how we respond to a given situation, based on our current best understanding of that frame's aggregate data. For example a frame of Stoic Kindness formed from a combination of paternal care practices, mythical heroes (everything from Jesus to Gandalf), real life idols (Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, and a variety of critical thinkers throughout time).

-Over time these frames Accumulate more data and experience slowly evolving. Early in life, data input is largely driven by luck, and there is almost zero autonomy. It’s largely a repeat after me, or do as I do stage of life. I’m not sure if there is a hard point where that switches off, or if there is a nuanced gradual opportunity to gain some free will. If all the data that creates our frame perspectives isn’t in our control, is it ever possible to take that function back over? I keep thinking of these frames as a video game mechanic. Sometimes they level up through experience passively (not always in a positive way, just depends on data input). Some people get the right kind of experience to unlock a deeper level of access and understanding. For example people who study mindfulness gain the ability to examine the frame itself, and gain more knowledge and control of one's emotions. Maybe there are a multitude of frames and the average human never leaves the completely passive default frame. Maybe with the right level of understanding in oneself we can change our frames at will, and even change our default starting frame.

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