Unfettered Thoughts

Won’t always be the most interesting of reads, but may be some good nuggets scattered throughout. This is more of mental practice for myself to see how I change over the years. When I take the time to journal regularly, I usually find a sharper mind and memory as the reward.

Monday 2/22/2021

-First day alone in California while Amber and Shelly work. As usual, I can find plenty to do, but will probably spend more time trying to decide what to do instead of doing anything. I have been good at continuing baseline habits. Only missed journaling one day, but haven’t done my reading. Stomach is still unsure how to feel. It’s a mix of hunger and almost nausea. I definitely need to be eating more, but anytime I eat it doesn’t feel better for long, or even sometimes at all. Is it guilt or stress for feeling like a freeloader, or being away from the comfort of a habitual, hobby filled home? Am I worried about all the things that I need to do at home, even though I wrapped up everything important before I left? I worked hard to that point, and shouldn’t feel guilty. Actually, it is probably important to take this time to practice remote working. This travel life might be our regular future. Think about all the character building. Also a good time to work on IDW reach out. Lex, Bret & Heather, Eric?

-I am only a small voice trying relentlessly to make it through the countless others who also think they have something magical to share. Modern podcasts are good at making me feel like I am part of these ongoing conversations, but lack the confidence or ability to contribute. I care deeply for the pains around me in the world, and I want to leave a legacy of effort trying to make things better for long term humanity. Before Bret Weinstein and Daniel Smauchtenburger summarized 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person epistemics, I couldn’t quite put into words what I felt was off through school and work. I spent a third of my life time in retail and sales, and almost got sucked into the money and power trap. I often felt gross after sales training sessions or meetings, and repeatedly saw the treatment of employees as numbers on spreadsheets. Required growth each year constantly created turnover through reorganization. Every couple years corporate cut costs by having less store level staff do more work for the same pay. Everyone is offered a track to management (if you can cut it), but everyone is blind to the limit of positions that wawa then regularly shrunk. The top keeps eating all of the carrots, and eventually can only lead with the stick. Now I see the same patterns almost everywhere. Most concerning to me in our own homes. How many people only have the option to rent vs buy? How much of the market is captured by rich investors working with the benefits of scale? The remaining small operations then try to emulate the big business practices and it all ends in a disgusting slumlord vs a dehumanized tax asset. There are no people in these houses, just temporary income streams to be monitored and maximized.

-Thinking about religion as an adaptation,is it separate from language and communication? Is it a way of trying to understand the phenomenon of “self” within a larger function of group consciousness, which we still don’t fully understand, if at all? Collective consciousness is an evolved trait to continue forward. In order to explain what we all subconsciously experience, we create language, religion, institutions, etc.

-Use YouTube shorts to springboard a regular channel about travel nursing. Once a day record 30 seconds of the most interesting thing. Save extra for boring days. Direct them to other full depth channels. Set up multiple categories of podcast or vlog. Tour of each living space. Packing tips and walkthrough. Tour guide for anything that was interesting. Create catch phrases, or repeat inside jokes. Talk about full time staff. Brunch with coworkers. Importance of the relationship to get access to local best things. Heal wounds of misunderstanding between travelers, regular staff, doctor, landlords. Etc.

-Keep it weird [whatever town you’re in]

-Unsupervised Adventure Dan series: how husbands (and maybe kids) deal with the insanity that becomes real life, habits that have to be created.

-What do you do to stay out of trouble when you hit the year's maximum income goal?

-Create Dan’s house investing series, document interesting processes and problems.

-Namaste Nomads?

-Pet/ animal series. Plants are family too.

-Dankins Journal or Mr. Rogers facsimile. Consciousness, meditation, sensemaking, critical thinking (1st, 2nd, 3rd, person epistemics).

-Point out the things that are different from what a person back home would know.

-House tour includes showing parking and rental car, why do they never update their electronic UI? 

-Adventures of Steve?

-6 miles round trip walk to The High Note dispensary. Service was underwhelming, but the walk there was nice. Didn’t get a 1st time discount, and should research the best sales tax location to purchase from in the future. 3.4 mile round trip to Edison Trails Hike 2.6 mile there and back (All Trails needs to be more clear in their hike distance calculations with there and back vs loop trails). 9 miles beach loop walk. Total miles for the day= 21. Not too shabby.

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