Unfettered Thoughts

Won’t always be the most interesting of reads, but may be some good nuggets scattered throughout. This is more of mental practice for myself to see how I change over the years. When I take the time to journal regularly, I usually find a sharper mind and memory as the reward.

Sunday 2/21/2021 - First, Second, and Third Person Epistemics

Thoughts and understanding after Daniel Schmachtenberger podcast

-Third person epistemics (easiest): Knowledge and understanding of base reality, math, physics, etc. Philosophy of science and formulating margins of confidence through appropriate methodology.

-Second person: My ability to understand your perspective. Can I steelman your position? Can I understand why you think what you think, and synthesize a common ground of understanding. If I can’t, it is unlikely to make progress on my own partiality. Screaming one point of view to drown out anything I don’t know or believe is the least productive option.

-First person epistemics: Can I recognize my own biases and susceptibilities? Can I see my own group identity well enough to make sure they aren’t what run me?

-First person = Stoic. Second person = Socratic. Third person = Aristolelean. All are mirrored in modernity and we need new cultural enlightenment where everyone values good sense making around others, self, and base reality. Is this not what we have evolved to do? Is this the advantage of evolving consciousness? How does the hypothesis of superseding group consciousness, vs individual emergence of consciousness and communication play out?

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