Unfettered Thoughts

Won’t always be the most interesting of reads, but may be some good nuggets scattered throughout. This is more of mental practice for myself to see how I change over the years. When I take the time to journal regularly, I usually find a sharper mind and memory as the reward.

Consciousness, Group vs Individual - Social Loneliness

Tuesday 2/16/2021

-Collective consciousness is an adaptive evolution. Language and individual consciousness are emergent from that. Dogs seem more conscious, cats seem more smart. That's relative to human bias of ability to communicate thoughts, and our limited understanding of the other side's conceptual understanding. Dogs seem to understand us to some degree. This makes the idea of quantum consciousness (3/2/2023: I can’t remember WTF quantum consciousness is, maybe can’t read what I wrote down) less likely? Rocks don’t share consciousness with us, and we can’t just “tap into it”, because we only really know what individual consciousness looks/ feels like. We over assume its primacy over group, or ignore group all together.

-Modernity has thrown in new hiccups related to population scale. Allows for too big of social groups that make the whole less meaningful and the individual feel more lonely, even though the total number of “friends” has increased several magnitudes. Are social media influencers that most lonely, or do they see it as enough of a business that they are able to separate a social life on the side? Is the drive to be an influencer a drive towards loneliness?

-Super cold weather causing me all sorts of stress. Five day delay seeing Amber probably caused the most disruption. Put me in a real funk and made it a struggle to want to do anything. Then bowling cancels. The Jeep tire is as low as I have ever seen. Windows at Saint Clair are so bad that the cold freezes internal condensation and then makes a mess. Jeff is too swamped to be available to do windows and siding, so have to find a different contractor. The water pipes at 47th are frozen, even though none are in the wall (maybe a loop resting on slab), hope none burst because everything is under the floor. Turns out it’s because the heat pump on the mini split system can’t handle sustained below zero temps, so no heat in the back half of the house. Need to get electric heaters there around all the plumbing pipes.. Probably at peak stoic testing right now. Lots of stress to harness into growth and drive. No reason to complain of boredom, nothing on the to do list is going to kill or ruin us.

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