GNA - Saturday 3/13/2021 journal entry
-Create a fresh start marketing/ program for people escaping high priced cities. Remote work, side gigs available, low cost of living, etc.
-Open source tool, make it more complete before launch to avoid paywalled clones? Being honest, clones are the whole point. I just want to create something that anyone else can do on their own. I can’t possibly help everyone, but the idea behind it all could change our communities drastically for the better.
-No spending CapX on new improvements/ wish list items, until balance at least covers insurance deductible.
-Create template to organize needed projects, wish lists, property financials, other neighboring investment needs, community projects, gardens, parks, abandoned house cleanup. Can invest or donate, labor or finances.
-GNA reserves the right to pay off investors early, but can choose options of transfer. Priority to other Houstory projects, IRA, index, crypto, etc.
-Hold crowd funds in mutual funds until project cost is covered. Create the ability for investors to sell their remaining balance before full amortization.
-Adventure Headquarters for/with kids. Let them have a space to creatively plan and log all the adventures they can imagine. Compile all into a daily showcase gallery on a smart mirror. Have parents digitize and add their own life’s adventure.