Unfettered Thoughts

Won’t always be the most interesting of reads, but may be some good nuggets scattered throughout. This is more of mental practice for myself to see how I change over the years. When I take the time to journal regularly, I usually find a sharper mind and memory as the reward.

Wednesday 2/10/2021 - GNA

-GNA is a non profit property management/ holding platform. It uses BlockChain and Smart Contracts to decentralize the financial aspects of home ownership, while creating the infrastructure to distribute the revenue to the people most involved with the property. This also creates a unique apprentice program. The Houstorian project offers education and skills often overlooked in school, further expanding into a new social media platform based on community building and support. Great opportunities for paid work, personal business creating, and long term retirement options.

-Long term goat to create community centers in neighborhoods, and create regular events, store and tools rental, have message boards for the local area. 

-Anyone can put their home in GNA holding. GNA can itemize taxes when residents often can’t, auto distribute monthly funds into repair and retirement savings. People can exchange home equity for labor. Anyone can create a Houstory profile that provides a social/ journaling page, as well as a project wish list. This list can be shared with the GNA community to either search for labor, browse labor requests, request funding, etc. The GNA community can invest any dollar amount towards these projects. These smart contracts can be highly customizable, from volunteer labor, to home equity exchange. Allow for Bitcoin?

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