School Work

Written school work through the years.

Watergate (History Report)

Watergate is finally starting to blow over. President Nixon just resigned and left Gerald Ford as president. Gerald Ford took position as vice president when the previous vice president resigned because he was having problems with taxes. Many people in office were involved with Watergate and the break in of the Watergate building which held information Nixon wanted to know to win presidency again. Nixon was so afraid he made an organization that they called CREEP and he put Chuck Colson to make up a list of enemies or people that were a threat so that they would spy on them and humiliate them. After the Pentagon Paper was made by Daniel Ellsberg he became the first target for plumbers or the members of CREEP were called. CREEP decided they would do random illegal break ins and phone tapping. They had a plan but J. Edgar Hoover vetoed that plan but they still did it. But even with the tapping Nixon still feared the elections so G. Gordan Liddy came up with a plan to tab in to the Democratic National Committee Headquarters which is located in the Watergate building. Some of the men that were closely involved with the president and closely involved with the Watergate crisis was; H. R. Haldeman, John Erlichman, and C. Howard Hunt. They had men that got caught red handed inside the Watergate building. Nixon ordered one of his men by the name of John Dean. He told court and records that he found nothing that would say that anyone in the white house was involved. He made false statements and as this went on we new the lies behind it. People started to think the statements were false and Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein both looked into it. They worked for the Washington Post and began to dig up the real facts. They also sent me the Senate Select Committee to investigate and then the men that broke in to Watergate went to trail. They got a judge by John Sirica which is highly known for sentencing the longest prison sentences. Sam Ervin came to be a chair in the committee and grilled Mitchell, Haldeman, and Ehrlichman and was a national hero. Archibald Cox was a special prosecutor and came in and sought out in courts to get tapes from Nixon's office. Nixon refused and said he had executive privileges and it was a danger to the nation. Nixon went and told Richardson to fire Cox but refused and resigned. Then he went to Ruckelshaus and he didn't and so he was fired. Finally Robert Bork fired Cox. Saturday Night Massacre was the name of this night because three officials were let go. After Cox was fired Leon Jaworski came in place of Cox and he still demanded the tapes. Impeachment was right around the corner so Nixon resigned and Ford pardoned him and now Ford is president. The tapes were finally released revealing the information we needed to figure out the trail. And more than three men were sent to jail with charges. And the Watergate crisis will go in history.

Daniel HankinsComment