School Work

Written school work through the years.

Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Work Cited)

Byers, Paula, Ed. Encyclopedia of world Biography: Second Edition. Vol. 16 Detroit, 1998.

Grossman, Edward. “Vonnegut & His Audience.” (1974) Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol. 5. Ed. Riley, Carolyn, Phyllis Mendelson. Detroit: Gale Research, 1976. 466-469.

Hauck, Richard. “American Literature.” (1974) Contemporary Literary Criticism, Volume 5. Ed. Riley Carolyn, Phyllis Mendelson. Detroit: Gale Research, 1976. 465-466.

“Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.” EXPLORING Novels. Gale 2003. Student Resource Center. Gale Group. Wichita Northwest high Media Center, Wichita KS. 4 paragraphs. 27 Jan. 2006.

Litz, Walton A., Ed. American Writers: A Collection of Literary Biographies. Supplement II, Part 2 New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1981.

Reed, peter. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. New York: Thomas Y. Crowel Company, 1834.

Uphaus, Robert. “Expected Meaning in Vonnegut’s Dead-End Fiction.” (1975) Contemporary Literary Critisism, Vol. 5. Ed. Ed. Riley Carolyn, Phyllis Mendelson. Detroit: Gale Research, 1976. 469-470

Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse Five. New York: Delacorte Press, 1994.

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