School Work

Written school work through the years.

Latin Persuasive Paper

America was right involving themselves in Latin American affairs. It was their duty, there job to do so. They were and are a large power, and with power comes the need to protect the rest that can not protect themselves. As long as they were not hurting the Latin communities without good intentions then they had every right to intervene.

Another reason justifying the intrusion into Latin places is because we also have citizens there, and it is their right to protect those people that belong to their nation. They also had to keep out the other foreign powers that had less adequate methods of governing, and most of the time the foreign powers did not have the greatest intentions, they were only in it for themselves. Yes, America was in it for themselves also, but they also had good intentions to those that they intervened, such as the freeing of Cuba and giving them their independence, and helping them set up a newer better form of government that would be harder to have corruption in.

Another positive aspect of intervening was in Panama were America helped lead a rebellion against the unfair leaders, and yes America did gain the right to build the Panama canal, but it not only helped the U.S., but it also helped get some of the Panama residents out of poverty. It also helped other nations because it made it easier for almost every nation to trade.

America even helped small incapable countries to repay debt to other big nations. The U.S. acted like an accountant and helped keep things in order if they were needed, such as in Nicaragua when their President Adolfo Diaz ASKED for helped, and America did help restore order, and all was good in the nation. America also helped supply all the common technology to make all the lives of other less capable nations better, and they always helped keep a positive influence on other nations.

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